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Printing principle on a TD3 press Three-colour intaglio rotary printing machines (TD3 presses), developed by Louis Chambon in 1929, allow to print at most three colours during one turn of a (...)
Article published on 2 November 2016
The stamp 0,50F Marianne de Béquet is known in three different formats: Sheets of 100 stamps, that were printed on TD6 and TD3 presses and that were the subject of tests with the RGR1 press; (...)
Article published on 2 November 2016
All the stamps 0,50F Marianne de Béquet produced in form of sheets were made using the line-engraving process (cf. the article Genesis of the stamp for a description of this process) on three (...)
Article published on 2 November 2016
Introduction In this article, we will first explain the printing principle on a TD6 press and then the way sheets of stamps are printed on such a press. We will also present the notion of (...)
Article published on 2 November 2016
The principle of R.G.R. Presses A High output rotary press (R.G.R. press) is a 4-colour intaglio press which uses the same drying and tracking principle than TD6 presses. The R.G.R.-1 press (...)
Article published on 2 November 2016

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