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Cours des carnets, édité par l’A.C.C.P., 2014 L’impression des timbres Francais par les rotatives : les Béquet, Édition SO.CO.CO.DA.MI, 1984 C. BOURGEOIS, L’automation dans les P.T.T., Tome 1 : (...)
Article published on 1 November 2016
http://www.ffap.net/ The website of the Fédération Française des Associations Philatéliques http://amisdemarianne.blogspot.fr/ The website of the Cercle des Amis de Marianne (...)
Article published on 1 November 2016
Member of the «Cerche des Amis de Marianne» (C.A.M.) since its beginnings, I would like to tell all of the good points that I see in this French philatelic association, in particular for the (...)
Article published on 1 November 2016
A number of special printed issues or of tributes were produced containing at least a copy of the stamp 0,50F Marianne de Béquet. We will present them in this article. Imperforates Appeared by (...)
Article published on 31 October 2016
Introduction The process to produce an intaglio-printed stamp is the following: a draftsman (who may or may not be the engraver) generates an original design. After its acceptance by the French (...)
Article published on 31 October 2016

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