
Emission  : 20 mai 1980   N° Y. & T. : n° 1472



Thème :

"Hygie" par Gustav Klimt (1862 - 1918)      


Commentaires :

175 ans d'hygiène enseignée aux Universités

Ce timbre, émis par l'Autriche en 1980, commémore les 175 ans d'hygiène enseignée aux Universités.
Il a été édité à l'occasion de la réunion annuelle du Service Public de la Santé.

The Austrian Society for Hygiene, Microbiology and Preventive Medicine (ÖGHMP) held its 17th annual meeting in the historical halls of Klosterneuburg Abbey. The motto of this meeting was "175 Years of Hygiene in Austria", commemorating the introduction of hygiene studies at Austria's medical schools. In the summer semester of 1805, the course "Medical Police" was taught for the first time at Vienna University. Over several decades, this course developed into the new area of research and study and into the new chair for hygiene. The spiritual father of this chair was Johann Peter Frank (1745 - 1821). However, his ideas were only implemented in practice somewhat later by Andreas Joseph Stifft (1760 - 1835), personal physician and adviser in health issues to Emperor Franz I Ferdinand. Stifft suggested the appointment of Bernhard Viez (1772 - 1815) as first professor of this chair at Vienna University. The Medico-Surgical Academy established by Emperor Joseph II in 1785 was likewise instrumental for the development of this discipline: the professors of the Josephine Academy played an important role in the 1875 restructuring of the discipline, which was rendered independent and given a slightly modified orientation. In the garden in front of the Academy building, a statue to Hygieia, the daughter of Asclepios, was erected. This constitutes a link with the motif of this special issue stamp, which was inspired by Gustav Klimt's painting "Hygieia".


Informations techniques :

Taille : .. x .. mm Dessinateur :
Dentelure : 14 Couleur :  polychrome
Valeur(s) :  4 s. N° Scott : 1154
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